Contact us

If your enquiry is in regards to new or used vehicle sales, finance, vehicle leasing, parts, or accessories then please contact your nearest dealer first. If you have any other questions or would like to get in touch with Kia New Zealand's Head Office please use the form below

Meet the team

Justin Wooding

Dealer Principal

P: (07) 905 5025 ext 8610

M: 027 332 2152

E: Send an email

Paul Gillon

Sales Manager

P: (07) 905 5021

M: 027 437 0558

E: Send an email

Aimee Howan

Business Manager

P: 07 905 5023 ext 8644

E: Send an email

Stephan Coertze

After Sales Manager

P: 07 905 5024 extn 8613

E: Send an email

Brad Davidson

Sales Consultant

P: (07) 905 5022

M: 027 344 3931

E: Send an email

Kitty Silver

Sales Consultant

P: (07) 905 5023 ext 8644

E: Send an email

Amber Riddle

Service and Parts advisor

P: 07 925 6118 extn 8617

E: Send an email

Azaria Craig-Bigwood

Service and Parts Advisor

P: 07 925 6109 extn 8616

E: Send an email

Ray Ellis

Parts Advisor

P: 07 925 6107 extn 8614

E: Send an email

Cameron Vartan

Parts Advisor

P: 07 925 6106 extn 8618

E: Send an email

Vanessa Wooding

Administration Support

P: 07 378 4516 extn 8645

E: Send an email

Jeremy Richards


Kia New Zealand

Update from Kia NZ regarding Kia Kapiti and Levin