Contact us

If your enquiry is in regards to new or used vehicle sales, finance, vehicle leasing, parts, or accessories then please contact your nearest dealer first. If you have any other questions or would like to get in touch with Kia New Zealand's Head Office please use the form below

Meet the team

Mark Gothorp

Dealer Principal

P: 07 846 6181

M: 021 822 622

E: Send an email

Gary Steward

General Manager

P: 07 846 6181

M: 021 995 355

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Jess Smith

Business Manager

P: 07 846 6181

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Mary Collins

Office Manager

P: 07 846 6181

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Marius van Deventer

Aftersales Manager

P: 07 846 6181

M: 021 846 155

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Hudson McIvor

Sales Executive

M: 022 100 6654

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Peter Nunn

Sales Executive

P: 07 846 6181

M: 0277205020

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Rosemary Williams

Service Advisor

P: 07 846 6181

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James Bowen

Sales Executive

P: 07 8466181

M: 0273 554774

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Ashton Hassell

Service Advisor

P: 07 8466181

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Stella Van Loggenberg

Office Administrator

P: 07 8466181

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Lochlan De Rooy

Parts Advisor

P: 07 8466181

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Kia New Zealand

Update from Kia NZ regarding Kia Kapiti and Levin